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The Resilient Leader

From Sun Tzu to the Samurai, the lessons of The Resilient Leader are enduring, and never have these lessons been more timely than right now. Winslow Swárt, MAA, a leadership and organizational Sensei who mastered several martial arts in the dojos of Japan, has helped corporate executives and NBA superstars navigate economic meltdowns and world-championship competition.


The Resilient Leader builds on those same insights, helping you draw forth increased levels of focus and resolve, transform obstacles into opportunities, and become the proverbial calm in the eye of the storm. The Resilient Leader distills the core ideologies of Eastern martial arts discplines into an effective curriculum for developing leadership capabilities and increasing human performance.

The Resilient Leader book cover

One Million Dreams
Field Manual

The One Million Dreams Field Manual is designed to create a world of dreamers and doers. This book helps readers ideate and "work" on their dreams. You will be inspired by the stories of others who have overcome life challenges and made their own dreams become real. This book includes worksheets and coaching tools that help you create a road map and an action plan for your dreams. This book also serves as a companion to the One Million Dreams mobile application, which will be republished soon on Google Play and the App Store.

One Million Dreams Field Manual cover


Leadership Lessons: Finding Your Superpower vs Kryptonite

The lessons learned over half a century in the dojos of Japan and through international competition brought me into the world of performance coaching...

Landing A Ted Talk: The Keynote Speech of Your Career

TED Talks are considered the holy grail of speaking venues. 

Landing A Ted Talk: The Keynote Speech of Your Career

TED Talks are considered the holy grail of speaking venues. 

Our City’s Leaders on the Rise – A Front Row Seat

Recent headlines have been full of news about up and coming and established leaders who all have one thing in common.

Death by Powerpoint,
A Cautionary Tale

Let's focus on the meaning of the term engagement, as it relates to training. 

Funny Business

What motivates change most in our businesses are the things that cost us the most in terms of missed opportunities for gain.

High-Performing Teams

High-performing teams demonstrate a language of "we," or "our," when making reference to the team instead of the terms "I" or "me."

Teams Adversity

Inculcate the right sense of ownership, or corps d'esprit amongst all the stakeholders.

World-class customer service can save millions

For any change effort to work best, it is important to energize everyone at all levels of the company.

Team building is organized process

Experience taught us that “group” does not always mean “team.”

Use strategic planning to turn vision into action

There are many approaches to strategic planning and thorough assessment can determine which approach is best-suited.

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